Friday, 7 December 2012

In Loving Memory of Jeremiah John (by Cathy)

God gave you to us, my sweet little boy.  We are so thankful to have had you with us, even if it was for so short a time.

It was in August that I suspected I might be carrying you in my womb.  Your dad and I were humbly over-joyed to get a positive test result since it had been so long since I had been pregnant. It was comforting to know that God had looked upon us with favor and blessed us with you.  Every week that we had you, we counted it a blessing, being thankful for the time God gave you to us.

When you were 14 weeks old, we tried to find your heartbeat.  I suspect that your soul had departed at this point, since there was no heartbeat to be found.  After the ultrasound confirmed our worst fears, at 15 weeks, we knew that our time with you was over.  Seeing your perfectly formed body on the ultrasound was such a precious gift to your dad and me.  You were so cute, with your arms tucked in and your legs tucked up.  We cried hard for you that day.

Our prayer was that you would be born whole.  We wanted to witness God's handiwork.  God answered our prayers, over 3 weeks later.  It was a difficult wait, in which we sometimes questioned the direction we were to take, but kept resting in God's direction for us.  On November 11, 2012, your body was born, sleeping.  We studied every part of you.  You were perfectly formed.  We took pictures.  We worshiped your creator.  Psalm 139 "I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."

Your days were short, but they were all fashioned by God.  Although it hurts so much to let you go, we're so glad you came.

I love you, my sweet baby.



Heather said...

Love you all.

Heather said...
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