Victoria Botkin is the wife of Geoffry Botkin and the mother of seven children. Her husband has been doing an online mentoring series for men, which ends this week. Mrs. Botkin is now going to do one for the ladies. She will be talking to mothers of young children, but we think that other woman who listen to Mrs. Botkin will benefit greatly because we have received much encouragement and help from their family. The titles of the sessions are:
All about Eve
All about Sarah
The Proverbs 31 wife
About love
How to help your husband love you
How to become a wise woman
The sessions will last from 8-9pm central time Monday evenings.
The sessions will start March 1 and go till April 26. To sign up for the sessions click the title.
I am wondering when ministry required a fee.
I am wondering when ministry required a fee?
We cannot speak for the Botkins but we think they are free to make that choice themselves. Some of the apostles refrained from working and relied upon 'ministry' to provide their living while others, like Paul, chose to forfeit that right. Our opinion is that God's moral law says that ministry requires a fee. "You shall not muzzle an ox while it threshes", Duet.25:4. In I Cor.9 Paul uses this same verse to set forth that those who are laboring in the word have a right to earn a living from it, even though Paul often gave up this right in order to remove barriers to the gospel. Paul uses this verse again in 1Tim.5:18 to say that, "the laborer is worthy of his wages". A fee is owed but those ministering decide whether to require it or forfeit it. Unfortunately, some who minister do so with wrong motives. Thank you for your comment.
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