Coveting is the desire to get or have something that does not belong to us, it is taking someting that belongs to someone else but we think we need it. God knows what we need and what we don't need. God knows what to give and what to take away. Christian people learn to be content with a little and with a lot. One of God's ten commandments is, "thou shalt not covet." God gives this commandment, not because he doesn't want us to have anything, but because coveting will keep us from possessing what we really need most- God himself. When people covet they cannot enjoy God because they are putting something before Him, they are worshipping an idol. In their mind they are pursuing what they want, and it takes priority over God. The Bible says covetousness is idolatry. It often happens gradually and unknowingly to us.
Posted by: Joseph
1 comment:
Good job Joseph! I really like the picture.I enjoy reading your posts.
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