Another thing I learned is that there is great value in a man realizing his own weakness and God's exceeding power, in all things, but especially in his most important role, that as father and husband. My only strength is truly in my utter weakness and dependance upon Him. There is no greater application of this truth to my life than in my home. When I realized that this baby was going to be born and that I was going to deliver, I was anxious. A friend complimented me on delivering Daniel but I must say, "Be impressed by what God did, He really was working with quite a helpless attendant." As men we have reason to live in a state of utter humility and dependance upon God- God has greatly honored us by making us the head of our homes. God longs for men to come to Him as fathers and hubands in humility and dependance as we serve our families. God has not abandoned us as fathers and husbands. His power is great toward us but I am afraid that many of us men have forgotten God. We try to be strong in our own power rather than His, and it doesn't work very well.
Third, what better hands to catch a baby than the hands of the father? A father's hands are probably the strongest in the home, and yet gentle enough for the occassion. Personally, I would encourage midwives and doctors to do this when possible. It is a powerful way of "turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers" (Malachi 4:6-7). An elderly friend told me when his children were born the doctor chased him out of the room and down the hall. Dad couldn't get too involved or too near until it was time to pay the bill. My heart and their heart (kids) is going to turn somewhere. The less I have to do with my kids the more my heart turns elsewhere and the more their heart turns elsewhere. It is a fact of life. It reminds me of the Christmas tree Joseph brought in today. It isn't the prettiest tree we have had but it may be the best because of what it means. He went out and found it himself, cut it and hauled it home and it was twice his size. He worked hard. Our hearts are connected to that Christmas tree more than the grandest tree because we know Joseph invested hands-on sweat equity to bring it home. God has designed the family to operate with the input of a father, and no amount of toys, money, or fringe benefits can replace a godly father. There can be no substitutes!
A special thanks to all who have been praying for us. Thank you very much.
Posted by: Dad
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