Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Admit It! (by Joseph)

I am reading a book called Boyhood & Beyond by Bob Shultz. In the chapter called Admit It, there was a man driving his friends home and his friends were dodging things. Something flew by him and he turned the steering wheel and hit another pickup. His friends wanted him to keep going; not to tell the man sorry. But he told the man sorry and the man that was taking his friend's home paid for the damage on the other man's pickup. After a few months he got it paid and they were good friends.

Another example the book gave was there was a man working by a bathtub. He dropped an air gun and it shot a nail through the bathtub. He thought that nobody would notice but then he knew that somebody would find out about it. He told his manager about it, that he was sorry. The man that was nailing was happy because the bathtub had not passed it warrenty. He learned that when you tell somebody that you did something wrong right away, that God will bless you for that.

What I learned was that when you do something wrong, if you do not tell somebody and somebody finds out, you will be in worse trouble. When you do something wrong and you have the first chance to tell, do it because it will just get worse if you don't tell.

Written by Joseph

1 comment:

Allen said...

Joe, a man is only as good as his word. Always do what is right.